International Journal of Advances in Remote Sensing and GIS ( ISSN 2277-9450) is operated by Integrated Publishing Association team which aims to cover recent advancements in the concepts, information of the Remote Sensing and Geographical information systems community. JRSGIS is an online only (e-journal) journal published once in six months ( November, May) covering various domains of in Remote Sensing and GIS industry. This journal aims to provide a channel of communication for research fraternity and professionals working in areas related to the disciplines employing Remote Sensing applications, Geographical information system, photogrammetry, spatial information system etc and it is designed to serve as a source reference and also as a n archive of advancements in the above mentioned disciplines.
The main objectives of the journal is to publish high quality, double blind peer-reviewed, unpublished research/ review papers with high scientific rigor conveying concepts related to the scientific research works being done in the areas like Multi-spectral and hyperspectral remote sensing, Active and passive microwave remote sensing, Lidar and laser scanning, Geometric reconstruction, Physical modeling and signature, Change detection studies using GIS/ RS, Image processing and pattern recognition techniques, Data fusion and data assimilation, Dedicated satellite missions, Spaceborne, airborne and terrestrial platforms, GIS applications, Remote sensing applications, Numerical weather prediction, Environmental monitoring, Satellite instrument calibration, Remote sensing validation problems and methods for resolution, Space technology development, Algorithm development, Data acquisition, Information analysis, data mining and data management, System integration, applications in the areas like atmospheric studies, oceans/ water body analysis and mapping, ecosystem change prediction, climate change study, agricultural pattern recognition, land cover, land use, land use change detection, space science, hazard zonation and mapping, fire analysis and mapping, pollution abatement, hydrological studies etc.This journal is designed to have wide and extensive scope to cover all major areas of research related to RS and GIS including sensors, theory and algorithms, systems, experiments, developments and applications related to these vertical. JRSGIS is an international journal which publishes high quality original research/ review papers, short communications which are deemed to provide information that is not available through normal sources and focusing on practical, logical and theoretical issues related to collection of data, analysis of data, data modeling, interpretation and producing data related to the remote sensing vertical.
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